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Step Outside of Yourself

March 10, 2022
Kevin Ransom

The political and sociological landscape, as of late, has been anywhere from dubious to potentially dangerous. Ranging from peaceful protest marches to political upheaval. There are so many people telling us which way to move, vote, feel, and believe. Pressure from all sides trying to sway us to act or think in a way that “they” want. There’s been a lot of focus on individual liberties and how much or how little they are being infringed upon. Everyone’s own personal life or comforts take so much of the spot light that there’s barely any room for anyone else. So, where does this leave us as a people? How does this apply to Families First, Inc. and serving survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault?

For me the answer seems pretty clear. Take a step back, possibly outside of one’s own comfort zone and begin to look at the world from another perspective besides your own. It’s impossible to know another’s life and what they might be going through. Most of us have more than enough trials of our own. How amazing would it be if someone out there was able, and willing, to listen to us and possibly even provide us with some sort of help? A smile, a compassionate ear, financial stability, or maybe even a simple meal when we are hungry.

Letting go of our own personal stuff and helping others, where they are, is often times uncomfortable. It is so easy to say “I would, BUT I have to go grocery shopping”, or “take the kids to soccer practice”, and all of the things. I get it, the world is a busy place and there is always a lot to do. I know, everyone says “we should all care about each other more”, but it is so true. If we would focus more on others and less on ourselves it could make all the difference in the world, and ultimately in our own lives.

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