(910) 641-0444


When a Victim is Treated Worse than the Offender

Recently, I was helping a family member, in another state, through the process of getting a domestic violence protection order and criminal charges for physical and mental abuse. Upon determining the process, we went to see a domestic violence advocate with the county sheriff’s office. I sat quietly while she interviewed the victim. During that […]

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Men as Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Allies

The traditional role of men in society is that of the protector and provider. Oddly, though, it seems that a lot of men either – Know very little to nothing about domestic violence and sexual assault They simply do not care or understand consent Maybe perhaps see it as “someone else’s” problem. It is, in […]

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Why They Don't Report

It's Complicated Survivors may choose not to report for a plethora of reasons. On top of having to deal with their thoughts and feelings of the assault, they often have to deal with stigmas from the community and often from the ones they love. Below are some of the reasons survivors may choose not to […]

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Safety Plan for Leaving Your Abuser

Have the following items hidden in a place where your partner cannot find them $50 or more in cash. A small bag with extra clothes for you and your children Important papers including bank account numbers, checkbook / debit card, your social security number, your abuser's date of birth, insurance policies, marriage license, birth certificates […]

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